Curriculum vita
Personal history:
Born in Kyoto, Japan, February 29, 1964
B.S., Geophysics, March 1986, Hokkaido University, Japan
- Ph.D., Planetary and Earth Sciences, March 1998, Graduate School of Hokkaido University, Japan
Dissertation title: Studies on low altitude wind shear (LAWS) affecting aircraft operations
Thesis adviser: Prof. Katsuhiro Kikuchi
Employment (reverse order):
April 2024 - Present: Principal Researcher, Marine and Coastal Meteorology Research Group (MCM), Center for Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Research (CCOAR), Reserach Institute for Global Change (RIGC), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
June 2022 - September 2023: Visiting Scientist, Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL), National National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
April 2022 - March 2024: Coordinator (Principal Researcher), Center for Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Research (CCOAR), Reserach Institute for Global Change (RIGC), Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology (JAMSTEC)
October 2021 - Present: Visiting Professor, Typhoon Science and Technology Research Center (TRC), Institute of Advanced Sciences (IAS), Yokohama National University
April 2019 - March 2022: Deputy Director (Principal Reseracher), Dynamic Coupling of Ocean-Atmosphere-Land Research Program (DCOP), RIGC, JAMSTEC
April 2019 - Present: Lecturer (part-time), Flight Operations Program, Department of Aviation Management, College of Business Management, J. F. Oberlin University
April 2014 - March 2018: Deputy Director (Principal Research Scientist), Department of Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Land Processes Research (DCOP), JAMSTEC
April 2009 - March 2014: Team Leader (Senior Reserach Scientist), Maritime Continent Climate Research Team, Tropical Climate Variability Research Program (TCVRP), Research Institute for Global Change (RIGC), JAMSTEC
April 2006 - March 2010: Lecturer (part-time), Course of Aviation, Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, School of Engineering, Tokai University
April 2004 - March 2008: Sub-leader (Senior Reserach Scientist), Large-scale Hydrological Cycle Research Group, Hydrological Cycle Research Program (HCRP), Institute of Observational Research for Global Change (IORGC), JAMSTEC
September 2000 - March 2004: Research Scientist, Frontier Observational Research System for Global Change (FORGC), JAMSTEC
April 1986 - June 2000: Airline Dispatcher, Engineer for Aircraft Systems, Performances, and Operations, Toa Domestic Airlines Co.,Ltd. (company name changed to Japan Air System Co., Ltd. in 1988, and then integrated as Japan Air Lines Co., Ltd. in 2002)
Scientific organization (reverse order):
- 2011 -: Japan Geoscience Union (JpGU)
- 2008 -: American Meteorological Society (AMS)
- 1995 - 2017: Japan Association for Wind Engineering (JAWE)
- 1990 - 2000: Japan Aeronautical Engineers' Association (JAEA)
- 1983 -: Meteorological Society of Japan (MSJ)
Professional certification (reverse order):
2014: On-The-Ground Special Radio Operator (2nd class) (Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications: MIC)
1995: Certified Weather Forecaster (Japan Meteorological Agency: JMA)
1994: Associate Professional Engineer [Aerospace] (Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan: IPEJ)
1990: Airline Dispatcher Certificate (Japan Aviation Bureau: JCAB)
1988: Aeronautical Radio Operator (Japan Telecommunication Administration Bureau: JTAB)
Professional Service (reverse order):
2016 - Present: Comittee Member, Special Comittee for International Cooperarion of MU Radar and Equatorial Atmospheric Radar (EAR), Kyoto University
2010 - Present: Subcomittee Member, GEWEX Subcomittee, Future Earth (FE) and WCRP Joint Working Group, Environment, Earth and Planetary Science Committee, Science Council of Japan, Cabinet Office
2005-2010: Committee Member, Steering committee for Japan EOS Promotion Plan (JEPP) Hydrometeorological ARray for Isv-Monsoon AUtomonitoring (HARIMAU)
2005-2006: Guest Editor, Special Issue on Coupling Processes in the Equatorial Atmosphere (CPEA), Journal of the Meteorological Society of Japan (JMSJ)
Honors (reverse order):
2017: Excellence Award, 11th Photo Exhibition for the Natuarl Beauty in Science and Technology, Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
2009: IRGC Award for Great Contributions in JFY2008 at IORGC and FRCGC, JAMSTEC
2007: Award for Outstanding Research Accomplishments in JFY2006 at IORGC, JAMSTEC
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Last modified: 2016-09-26 13:29:20UTC